E0029 - Who Becomes a Leader? (It Could Be You) (S0002)

February 12, 2022 00:11:48
E0029 - Who Becomes a Leader? (It Could Be You) (S0002)
Our Classics
E0029 - Who Becomes a Leader? (It Could Be You) (S0002)

Feb 12 2022 | 00:11:48


Show Notes

Are leaders born, or made?

Larry Singell answers that question — and others about leadership — with his enthusiasm for basketball and baseball, which has intertwined with his research on leadership throughout his career.

Singell's research in the field of applied labor economics focuses on the role that education plays in labor-market outcomes and the extent to which these investments differentially affect choices and opportunities.

More recently, he has focused on the economics of higher education, studying a wide range of topics — from the effects of financial aid programs on access, retention, and graduation, to the ways in which education and career choices affect faculty placement in academic leadership positions.

He serves on the editorial board of the Economics of Education Review, the leading journal on the economics of education. He was a member of the faculty of the University of Oregon for 23 years before he became the Executive Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University.

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