E0024 - Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! (S0002)

February 12, 2022 00:15:17
E0024 - Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! (S0002)
Our Classics
E0024 - Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! (S0002)

Feb 12 2022 | 00:15:17


Show Notes

Ever see red?

It's called being defensive and turns out, it is the single greatest inhibitor to true collaboration.

Jim Tamm shares years of experience in getting out of the red zone and cultivating a "green zone" attitude.

Jim Tamm is a former law professor and senior administrative law judge for the state of California.

He mediated nearly 2,000 employment disputes and handed down legal decisions that impacted national labor policy.

He’s worked for 40 years in the field of alliance building and conflict resolution, and is an expert in building collaborative workplace environments.

He’s the author of “Radical Collaboration".

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